Pendampingan Pembuatan Nomor Induk Berusaha dalam Rangka Pengembangan UMKM


  • Chairul Fajar Tafrilyanto Universitas Madura, Pamekasan
  • Septi Dariyatul Aini Universitas Madura,Pamekasan
  • Moh. Zayyadi Universitas Madura, Pamekasan
  • Fetty Nuritasari Universitas Madura, Pamekasan
  • Nurul Fajaria Putri Universitas Madura, Pamekasan





Branta Pasisir Village is a village with a livelihood as a fisherman, entrepreneur, etc. One aspect that is very important in business development (MSMEs) is the existence of business legality. NIB is a business identity number used by business actors to obtain business licenses. The Field Work Lecture activity was carried out by the KKN 14 group due to a lack of knowledge and the importance of NIB in Branta Pasisir Village in making Business Identification Numbers. The goal to be achieved from this Real Work Lecture program is to provide assistance to UMKM actors in Branta Pasisir Village regarding account creation and procedures for managing legality through Online Single Submission (OSS). The method used consists of 3 stages, namely observation or survey, counseling or socialization related to NIB, and implementation of assistance and creation of NIB. UMKM that are willing and successful in being registered for making an NIB so that they can obtain a legality certificate



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Putri, A. C., Wobowo, B. A., & Triarso, I. (2019). “Analisis Persepsi dan Partisipasi Nelayan Terkait Kebijakan Izin Berusaha Perikanan Tangkap Melalui Sistem Online Single Submission (OSS) Bagi Nelayan di PPP (Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai) Klidang Lor, Kecamatan Batang, Kabupaten Batang”. Journal of Fisheries Resources Utilization Management and Technology 8, no. 2 (April 2019): 1–6.

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How to Cite

Chairul Fajar Tafrilyanto, Septi Dariyatul Aini, Moh. Zayyadi, Fetty Nuritasari, & Nurul Fajaria Putri. (2023). Pendampingan Pembuatan Nomor Induk Berusaha dalam Rangka Pengembangan UMKM . Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sains Dan Teknologi, 2(2), 147–153.