Peran Media Sosial Untuk Pengembangan Brand Awarness dan Pemasaran Produk Disabelitas (DISKRAF) Pada Kelompok Binaan PT.Langgeng Makmur Wijaya

Mitra PKM: PT. Langgeng Makmur Wijaya


  • Erza Sofian STIMIK ESQ
  • Asri Pertiwi STIMIK ESQ
  • Risman Nugrahan STIMIK ESQ
  • Syiffa Rie Siregar STIMIK ESQ
  • Annisa Nur Fadilah STIMIK ESQ
  • Kynta Putri Syakira STIMIK ESQ
  • Muammar Ar Rizki STIMIK ESQ
  • Sarah Muthia Rahma Anggraini STIMIK ESQ
  • Shafa Khairunnisa Azzahra STIMIK ESQ



Diskraf, E-Commerce, Disability, Utilize


Refers to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 7 of 2021 on the facilitation, protection, and empowerment of cooperatives and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. With this we from the team of lecturers of the Information Systems study program to implement from the government regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.7 of 2021, for the preparation of business development strategies of SMEs in the utilization of technology. Utilizing digital technology to introduce its products and services to the public at large, especially among people with disabilities (Diskraf). This can be done either through online chat applications (Whatsapp, LINE, telegram, etc.), social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), online stores on various e-commerce platforms (Bukalapak, Tokopedia, Blibli, etc.), own websites, to the use of various applications or other business support software. ESQ Business School (STIMIK ESQ), with the University's tri dharma program namely Community Service, ESQ College of Management Science and Computer Science, the Information Systems study program provides coaching, strategy workshops, and information technology for the management of a business/business. This strategy direction can be used in the future by MSME managers/participants in carrying out their business or business processes. Therefore, if a business process performs the strategy and mastery of the Information System well, then the business will be successful in carrying out their business or business in the future.

Author Biographies

Asri Pertiwi, STIMIK ESQ

Department Sistem Informasi

Risman Nugrahan, STIMIK ESQ

Department Sistem Informasi

Syiffa Rie Siregar, STIMIK ESQ

Depertmen Sistem Informasi

Annisa Nur Fadilah, STIMIK ESQ

Departmen Sistem Informasi

Kynta Putri Syakira, STIMIK ESQ

Departmen Sistem Informasi

Muammar Ar Rizki, STIMIK ESQ

Departmen Sistem Informasi

Sarah Muthia Rahma Anggraini, STIMIK ESQ

Departmen Sistem Informasi

Shafa Khairunnisa Azzahra, STIMIK ESQ

Departmen Sistem Informasi


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How to Cite

Erza Sofian, Asri Pertiwi, Risman Nugrahan, Syiffa Rie Siregar, Annisa Nur Fadilah, Kynta Putri Syakira, … Shafa Khairunnisa Azzahra. (2023). Peran Media Sosial Untuk Pengembangan Brand Awarness dan Pemasaran Produk Disabelitas (DISKRAF) Pada Kelompok Binaan PT.Langgeng Makmur Wijaya: Mitra PKM: PT. Langgeng Makmur Wijaya. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sains Dan Teknologi, 2(4), 170–178.